Kuli Kuli, also known as Kwuli Kwuli is simply groundnut (peanut) cake. To make Kuli Kuli, all you need is roasted groundnut. (Epa)

Squeeze out the oil from them with a paper towel or napkin,
press them into any shape you want and deepfry them in vegetable oil till brown and dry.
Kuli Kuli is best enjoyed with Garri and cold water, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. "wink"
Hmmm. ..... This brings back memories of yester years
You can say that again
I remember kuli kuli with different shapes and design,enjoy it more when the weather is hot.
Kuli Kuli with different shapes and sizes
Kuli kuli with different shapes and design. Enjoy
Kuli kuli with different shapes and design.Enjoy when the weather is hot.
Kuli kuli is good for the body when the weather is hot
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